Mobile First Aid

Workplace Training

Workplace Audit Services

As of November 1, 2024, amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation relating to occupational first aid are in effect. The amendments include changes to the minimum requirements for first aid supplies, equipment, facilities, and first aid attendants.  Are you READY?  Do you need help deciding if your workplace is in compliance?


New 4x4 mobile treatment center

What are the Key Changes?

  • First aid certification and training levels: First aid certification levels are being aligned with CSA standards. Level 1, 2, and 3 certificates and kits will become Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced, respectively.
  • First aid kits: First aid kits will be required to meet the new CSA standards, with additional requirements specific to BC including personal protective equipment, records and in some cases oxygen therapy equipment.
  • First aid assessments required by employers: Employers will be required to conduct and document a two-part first aid assessment for every workplace which may result in changes or new requirements.
  • Emergency transportation: More workplaces will require first aid attendants to be trained with the skills and knowledge needed to prepare and transport injured or ill workers to medical aid.
  • First aid drills: The new regulation requires employers to carry out drills every year and whenever there are substantial updates to procedures or a change in location.

Assessing the Workplace

Under the OHS Regulation, employers are responsible for ensuring workers receive prompt, easily accessible, and appropriate first aid treatment. The new amendment that came out November 1, 2024  will impact first aid requirements across many workplaces, particularly for those that are more remote or are not easily accessible to BC Emergency Health Services.

To comply by November 1, employers need to review the regulation changes and ensure their occupational first aid programs align with the updated standards. These updated assessments may indicate the need for additional first aid training for attendants and or the need to acquire new or different first aid equipment.

Level 3 First Aid Bag
First Aid Courses

First Aid Drill Scenarios

From OHS Guidelines: Drills for first aid provide the employer and workers with an opportunity to test the effectiveness of first aid procedures. Drills provide workplace parties with a chance to practice their roles and responsibilities, which helps to ensure an effective response in the event of a real emergency. Drills also provide an opportunity to identify and resolve potential challenges or deficiencies in the employer’s written first aid procedures.

A first aid drill should include mock scenarios that support the evaluation of the effectiveness of the first aid procedures up to the point of transport by ETV.  The results of the drill and any subsequent changes to first aid procedures should be shared with all first aid attendants and the worker health and safety representative as applicable.

What is assessed during the drill.
  • The ability of first aid attendants or other workers to access equipment, supplies, and first aid facilities.
  • Workers’ familiarity with how to call for first aid and the location of first aid equipment.
  • How effectively the first aid attendant(s) can be summoned and respond to both minor and serious injuries.
  • How effectively an injured worker can be accessed and moved, and if there are any barriers present in the workplace.
  • How effectively an injured worker can be prepared (packaged) and transported to an area accessible to BCEHS, if required.
  • Whether first aid attendants are familiar with documentation and reporting requirements.

List of Audit Services

Workplace Assessment

Ensuring that the first aid requirements are met as per the new regulations and recommending changes/upgrades if needed.

First Aid Drills

Our experience working in industry has given us in depth knowledge of safety considerations in the industrial workplace and we can provide an objective assessment of your procedures.

Documentation and Forms

We can help complete the First Aid Assessment worksheets and will document our findings during the audit and the results of the drill for your records and to be used as guidelines for improvement.

Equipment and Supply Restocking

We are affiliated with MediQuest Technologies, a leading AED expert in Canada offering AED sales, service programs, training and more.  We can supply your requirements for safety and first aid supplies.

Transportation Endorsement


2024-2025 Audit Rates

Local Workplace Audits

Based on a day rate of $450.00 /day

Based on an 8 hour day

A site visit may be required to assess your needs.

Remote Location or Regional Audits

Based on a day rate of $450.00 /day

Based on an 8 hour day

Plus travel expenses. Call for estimate.